Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Parent Communication and Engagement

How will i provide opportunities for parent engagement and parent education at my center. i would put a bulletin board, make a power point to show on the TV and add information onto my website.  this will help them to find out what information is going on in the community. And if the information that they are looking for is not there. i would then have a book filled with information. i would have my educators that are working for me to keep up with different resources that can help parents if need for the age group they are working with.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

In the beginning

When starting up a child care center or in home. The beginning  is the fun part. You will need equipment, such as table, chairs,  etc. You will also need materials that are developmental age appropriate. You will also need curriculum /assessment. The curriculum would be based on what you want and how you want to teach. The assessment part could be what and how you want to run it. But here are a few, here you have Ages And Stages, High Scope and Teaching Strategies Gold. But what ever you choose to open a center or in home daycare.or what age group you are thinking about having at your center. Keep this in mind!! Is this going to help children grow and development. Social-emotional, physical, Literacy, Language, Mathematics, Science and Technology.

Becoming an Administrator

Well to open a child care center takes his and will power. The thing you need to do is attend a child care center orientation. 2hich is what I did for my administration class of early learning. I myself learned a lot about how and what is required of you to open up a center. The first thing is to have the fire marshal come out first before you sign papers on the building because he can tell you if it's a good building or not. I think that's the most important thing that I learned. But I do have to say this if you are wanting to open up a center,do it with love and joy and not about the money, because if you really look at it your helping young minds or succeed in life.

Monday, July 6, 2015

The Importance of Quality Educators

the importance of a qualified educator is a well rounded teacher. a teacher who is open to anything. it is very important to keep educating yourself as a teacher. Because then you will leaded children to be successful in live. and that is what we want. a quality educator will know what is age appropriate for the classroom she/he is teaching. they will know the children background. have lesson plans that is age appropriate.

Guidance Techniques

i have researched four different types of guidance techniques that are appropriate for children and these are the ones i came up with. Redirection: it just means that you can redirect the child's attention to something else. Modeling: we as teachers should model the type of behavior that they desire in the classroom. Give Choices: which will make the child think about what is happening or going to happen. Speaking at eye level. this will give you and the child that respect, but just be aware that in some cultures its not allowed. Just know your child background. Positive Guidance: this will give children self-esteem, and confidence.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Nutrition USDA

to apply to the CACFP you should contact one of CACFP specialists in the state you live in. then once you are approved you will have the parent to fill out a form for each student. Keep record of each child. and keep record of how many children are eating everyday and the total it up for the month. the benefits are that you will get rebuses by the government. Yes i would use this program in my center.

My ECE Philosophy

Teaching Young Minds Learning Center

Here at Teaching Young Minds Learning Center are philosophy is to offer the up most respect to all children and their individual feeling and experiences. We have designed an environment that is healthy and safe, this will allow children to be creative. We encourage learning through play, reading, and exploring. we provided high quality care for you and your child.