Thursday, May 14, 2015

Teaching Tolerance Website

Teaching tolerance website has a lot of information to help and give teachers the right approach on how to bring different cultures to the classroom.

Here is some information that i liked from the website.

What's a Teacher to Do?

Here are five things you can do to make your classroom respectful and culturally sensitive.
As the participants in the roundtable point out, Asian American children are a diverse group and the challenge of schooling can be overwhelming. Not all are excellent students; some lack proficiency in English; others have parents who are not involved in the American school system; others simply lack financial resources. Here are a few pointers to assist you in developing a culturally sensitive methodology.
1. Call API students by their correct names. Ask for help with pronunciation of unfamiliar names, and help classmates learn to say the names of Asian American students correctly. Do not offer to change or shorten their names or give them nicknames.
2. Ask students how they identify themselves. ("Asian American," "Asian Pacific America," "Korean American," etc.) Do not assume a particular nationality or birthplace. Some students' families will have lived in the U.S. for many generations; others may be recent immigrants.
3. Don't assume Asian American students will have particular academic or athletic interests. Encourage broad participation in all aspects of school life.
4. Help all students identify and challenge the stereotypes of Asians that might arise in film, literature, textbooks, or TV -- Asians as martial arts fighters, math and science geniuses, docile housewives, conciliatory merchants, bloodthirsty warriors or sneaky businessmen.
5. If Asian American students express an interest in their Asian cultures, encourage efforts to bring that cultural connection into the classroom. Seek out literature from their culture to include in the curriculum. Learn words of greeting in their native language and teach these phrases to the entire class. Invite students to describe special holiday celebrations and religious observations. Ask a representative from the Asian-American community in your area to speak to your class.

Children's Development in Early Reading and Writing

We can teach our children how to read and write at an early age be reading to them at an early age. So lets be a confident reader, so we can help the develop self-confidence in themselves to take challenges that will help them learn to read and write when they are bigger.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Child Art Auction

For the past few weeks we have be working with the children to create art, For the art auction so we can raise money to build on to the playground here at bate tech. college.

money to build on to the playground here at bate tech. college.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Responding To Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in Early Childhood Education

What that means to me is that, we as educators need to involve yourselves more with learning about the different cultures that's out there, and getting to know the children we teach. That will show families that we care and respect them and their culture.

Supporting cultural and linguistic diversity in early childhood

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

I'm an early childhood teacher and I believe if we educate the children from the beginning they will succeed in life. So that's why I'm in this field to teach because it's so important to have teachers that really care about the child.